Author: Edwin Kwan

Maven: run mvn package without doing test

When you run the mvn package command, as part of the build cycle, Maven will compile and test the code before packaging it in its distributable format.

However there are times when you want to compile and package the code without running the test. While I don’t advocate shipping untested code, there can be a number of reasons why you want to package the code without running test.

In order to perform mvn package without running the test. You need to use the argument -Dmaven.test.skip=true

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Installing a Solaris package in a different base directory

n Solaris, you use the pkgadd command to install new packages.

By default, the pkgadd command reads the default admin file /var/sadm/install/admin/default which specifies the base directory to be /opt.

There might be times where you want to specify a different base directory. One such example is if you have the /opt directory mapped to a network storage and only want to install the package locally.

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