In Solaris, you use the pkgadd command to install new packages.

By default, the pkgadd command reads the default admin file /var/sadm/install/admin/default which specifies the base directory to be /opt.

There might be times where you want to specify a different base directory. One such example is if you have the /opt directory mapped to a network storage and only want to install the package locally.

To change the default base directory, the best practice is to create a new file in the same directory as the default admin file.
Let’s say we call the new file /var/sadm/install/admin/new-base-dir and we like to install the new package to /local.
In the new file, add the following line.


Once you have saved your changes, you can run the pkgadd command and specify to use the newly created admin file by using the -a flag.

pkgadd -a new-base-dir -d NameOfPackage