In this month’s Google Adsense newsletter, the main highlight is tips on Searching for a better user experience.

It talks about how your website can benefit from using Google Custom Search and also how you can monetize your Google custom search engine.

If you are using wordpress for your website, the easiest way to add Google’s Custom Search Engine to your website is by using

Google Custom Search WordPress Plugin

Below is what the article writes:

Searching for a better user experience?
1. Try Custom Search Engine
When users surf your website they have a good user experience if your content is clean, readable and concise. They’re likely to leave your site if the information they are looking for is not easy to find.
The solution is Custom Search Engine (CSE). This free, easy-to-implement product lets you place a Google search box on your website.

  1. Optimize your CSE implementation
    You can improve your implementation by following these tips:
  • Search box placement: make sure your search boxes are visible! Try placing one long search box at the top right of each page.
  • Customisation: make the ads match the layout of your site and include your logo on the results page.
  • Ads placement: place your ads at the top and at the right of your search results page.
  1. Try Custom Search Ads (CSA)
    Additionally, if your site is search-focused, CSA is the feature for you – for example, if your users are looking for jobs, travel, products, or local businesses. Learn more here.