This article is on how to add a facebook like button or like box to your website.

In the world of social media, it is always good to promote your business with a website and also a facebook page. The website is used to advertise your products/services to the world so that people can search for them and learn more about your business and be able to contact you. With the facebook page, you’re adding a social element to your business as people are many more times likely to select a particular product or service which is endorsed by someone they know. Therefore is makes perfect sense to link your facebook page and your website together. Doing that will allow visitors to your site to see how many ‘likes’ your facebook page is getting, which will help validate their decision to choose your business’s product or service.

There are two ways you can integrate the facebook ‘like’ to your website.

Like Button

The first way is using the facebook ‘like’ button.

To add the ‘like’ button, just go to

Like Box

The other way is using the facebook ‘like’ box.

Instructions on how to create a ‘like’ box can be done at

So add the facebook ‘like’ button or box to your website and start leveraging social media for your business