If you use the Mail program in Mac, you’re undoubtedly came across this problem before.

Whenever you’re creating a new email and you’re filling in the recipient’s email address, Mail will offer to auto-complete it with email addresses you have used in the past. This is an excellent functionality. However the problem lies when your recipient has either changed their email address or you have had once mistyped their email address. Now every time when you write an email to that person, Mail keeps offering to auto-complete the recipient field with the wrong email address. This doesn’t seem to go away even after you’ve updated your address book for that recipient to reflect that new email address…

Here’s how you can fix this. In my Window menu option of the program, there is an option called “Previous Recipient”. Clicking on that brings up a window with all the Name, email address and the last time the email address was used for all the recipients you have emailed before. There you can choose to either remove an entry from the list (clean out those bad email addresses) or add them to the address book (if they’re not already in there). You can even sort the entries by any of the three fields. –I tend to sort by “Last used” making it easy to find those email address I want to delete.