
I was trying to install Archiva so that I can use it as a mirror repository for Maven and I ran into a problem when trying to extract the Archiva package which I had downloaded.

When I ran the following command

$tar -xvf apache-archiva-1.3.2-bin.tar
There were a whole bunch of the following errors:

x apache-archiva-1.3.2/apps/archiva/WEB-INF/classes/org/apache/maven/archiva/web/action/ShowArtifactAc, 6392 bytes, 13 tape blocks
tar: ././@LongLink: typeflag ‘L’ not recognized, converting to regular file

and after running the command, there was a file called @LongLink in the directory.

-rw-r–r– 1 username group 121 Nov 25 00:04 @LongLink

It turns out, Solaris tar cannot handle very long file names.


User GNU tar instead. On Solaris 10, /usr/sfw/bin/gtar is available as part of the SUNWgtar package.

$/usr/sfw/bin/gtar -xvf apache-archiva-1.3.2-bin.tar