If you write a blog, then you most probably also have a facebook account. Do you know that Facebook is a great tool to advertise your business?

Millions of people use facebook and it is such a great tool to give your blog more exposure. You can publish your blog posts on facebook as pages, with links back to your blog. This is allow your friends to read about your latest blog post from their facebook news feed. And if they write a comment or “Like” your page, then it will show up on their friends’ facebook news feed too! And if those people write a comment or “Like” your page too, then…. you get the idea. The exposure potential from facebook is limitless!

This article is going to tell you how to publish your new blog posts on facebook automatically.

To automatically post your blogs posts to a Facebook site, all you need to do is log into your Facebook site as an administrator and then go to the Notes application. In the Notes application on the left hand nav there is an option to Edit Import Settings. Once clicked you will be able to enter the URL of your blog…Facebook sucks it up automatically! No Plugin required at the WordPress end.

Refer to screenshots below: