If you’ve used firefox, you know you can change the preference to allow you to open links what would normally open in a new window to instead open in a new tab.
However there doesn’t seem to be a similar setting for safari.

You can always hold down the command key while clicking on the links, but here’s a tip to set Safari to always a open them in a new tab.

First, be sure that Safari is not running, then open Terminal and enter the following command

defaults write com.apple.Safari TargetedClicksCreateTabs -bool true

That’s it, when you launch Safari, all links that would normally open in a new window will now be opened in a new tab instead.

To remove the change you just made, enter the following command in Terminal

defaults delete com.apple.Safari TargetedClicksCreateTabs

Edwin is the founder and editor of Little Handy Tips and Wollongong Fitness. He is also the developer for the Google Custom Search WordPress plugin and Custom About Author WordPress plugin. Find out more about him here.